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@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@
template <unsigned Dim = 3>
using Mesh_t = ippl::UniformCartesian<double, Dim>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
// this template "inversion" is needed since we only change T in the mixed precision version of
// Landau Damping
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using PLayout_t = typename ippl::ParticleSpatialLayout<T, Dim, Mesh_t<Dim>>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3>
@@ -34,38 +36,38 @@ using Centering_t = typename Mesh_t<Dim>::DefaultCentering;
template <unsigned Dim = 3>
using FieldLayout_t = ippl::FieldLayout<Dim>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using ORB = ippl::OrthogonalRecursiveBisection<double, Dim, Mesh_t<Dim>, Centering_t<Dim>, T>;
using size_type = ippl::detail::size_type;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using Vector = ippl::Vector<T, Dim>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using Field = ippl::Field<T, Dim, Mesh_t<Dim>, Centering_t<Dim>>;
template <typename T>
using ParticleAttrib = ippl::ParticleAttrib<T>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using Vector_t = Vector<Dim, T>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using Field_t = Field<Dim, T>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using VField_t = Field<Dim, Vector_t<Dim, T>>;
// heFFTe does not support 1D FFTs, so we switch to CG in the 1D case
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using CGSolver_t = ippl::ElectrostaticsCG<T, double, Dim, Mesh_t<Dim>, Centering_t<Dim>>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using FFTSolver_t =
ippl::FFTPeriodicPoissonSolver<Vector_t<Dim, T>, double, Dim, Mesh_t<Dim>, Centering_t<Dim>>;
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T=double>
template <unsigned Dim = 3, typename T = double>
using Solver_t =
std::conditional_t<Dim == 2 || Dim == 3, std::variant<CGSolver_t<Dim, T>, FFTSolver_t<Dim, T>>,
std::variant<CGSolver_t<Dim, T>>>;
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ const double pi = Kokkos::numbers::pi_v<double>;
// Test programs have to define this variable for VTK dump purposes
extern const char* TestName;
template<typename T>
template <typename T>
void dumpVTK(VField_t<3, T>& E, int nx, int ny, int nz, int iteration, double dx, double dy,
double dz) {
typename VField_t<3, T>::view_type::host_mirror_type host_view = E.getHostMirror();
@@ -222,8 +224,8 @@ public:
// simply assumes them
if (stype_m == "CG") {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2 * Dim; ++i) {
allPeriodic[i] = std::make_shared<
ippl::PeriodicFace<T, Dim, Mesh_t<Dim>, Centering_t<Dim>>>(i);
allPeriodic[i] =
std::make_shared<ippl::PeriodicFace<T, Dim, Mesh_t<Dim>, Centering_t<Dim>>>(i);
@@ -462,13 +464,13 @@ public:
// Increase tolerance in the 1D case
sp.add("tolerance", 1e-10);
initSolverWithParams<CGSolver_t<Dim, T>>(sp);
void initFFTSolver() {
if constexpr (Dim == 2 || Dim == 3) {
ippl::ParameterList sp;
sp.add("output_type", FFTSolver_t<Dim,T>::GRAD);
sp.add("output_type", FFTSolver_t<Dim, T>::GRAD);
sp.add("use_heffte_defaults", false);
sp.add("use_pencils", true);
sp.add("use_reorder", false);
@@ -476,7 +478,7 @@ public:
sp.add("comm", ippl::p2p_pl);
sp.add("r2c_direction", 0);
initSolverWithParams<FFTSolver_t<Dim, T>>(sp);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported dimensionality for FFT solver");
@@ -498,8 +500,6 @@ public:
Energy *= 0.5;
double gEnergy = 0.0;
MPI_Reduce(&Energy, &gEnergy, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, Ippl::getComm());
const int nghostE = E_m.getNghost();
@@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ public:
valL += myVal;
T globaltemp = 0.0;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type = get_mpi_datatype<T>(temp);
T globaltemp = 0.0;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type = get_mpi_datatype<T>(temp);
MPI_Reduce(&temp, &globaltemp, 1, mpi_type, MPI_SUM, 0, Ippl::getComm());
normE[d] = std::sqrt(globaltemp);