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@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ double CDF(const double& x, const double& delta, const double& k, const unsigned
double PDF(const Vector_t<Dim>& xvec, const double& delta, const Vector_t<Dim>& kw) {
double PDF(const Vector_t<double, Dim>& xvec, const double& delta,
const Vector_t<double, Dim>& kw) {
double pdf = 1.0 * 1.0 * (1.0 + delta * Kokkos::cos(kw[Dim - 1] * xvec[Dim - 1]));
return pdf;
@@ -171,8 +172,8 @@ struct PhaseDump {
ippl::NDIndex<2> owned(I, I);
layout = FieldLayout_t<2>(owned, serial);
ippl::Vector<double, 2> hx = {domain / nr, 16. / nr};
ippl::Vector<double, 2> origin{0, -8};
Vector_t<double, 2> hx = {domain / nr, 16. / nr};
Vector_t<double, 2> origin{0, -8};
mesh = Mesh_t<2>(owned, hx, origin);
phaseSpace.initialize(mesh, layout);
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ private:
FieldLayout_t<2> layout;
Mesh_t<2> mesh;
Field_t<2> phaseSpace, phaseSpaceBuf;
ippl::ParticleAttrib<Vector<2, double>> phase;
ippl::ParticleAttrib<Vector_t<double, 2>> phase;
double maxValue = 0, minValue = 0;
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int arg = 1;
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
ippl::Vector<int, Dim> nr;
Vector_t<int, Dim> nr;
for (unsigned d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
nr[d] = std::atoi(argv[arg++]);
@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
msg << TestName << endl << "nt " << nt << " Np= " << totalP << " grid = " << nr << endl;
using bunch_type = ChargedParticles<PLayout_t<Dim>, Dim, double>;
using bunch_type = ChargedParticles<PLayout_t<double, Dim>, double, Dim>;
std::shared_ptr<bunch_type> P;
@@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
decomp[d] = ippl::PARALLEL;
Vector_t<Dim> kw;
Vector_t<double, Dim> kw;
double sigma, muBulk, muBeam, epsilon, delta;
if (std::strcmp(TestName, "TwoStreamInstability") == 0) {
@@ -307,20 +308,20 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
delta = 0.01;
Vector_t<Dim> rmin(0.0);
Vector_t<Dim> rmax = 2 * pi / kw;
Vector_t<double, Dim> rmin(0.0);
Vector_t<double, Dim> rmax = 2 * pi / kw;
Vector_t<Dim> hr;
Vector_t<double, Dim> hr;
for (unsigned d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
hr[d] = rmax[d] / nr[d];
Vector_t<Dim> origin = rmin;
const double dt = std::min(.05, 0.5 * *std::min_element(hr.begin(), hr.end()));
Vector_t<double, Dim> origin = rmin;
const double dt = std::min(.05, 0.5 * *std::min_element(hr.begin(), hr.end()));
const bool isAllPeriodic = true;
Mesh_t<Dim> mesh(domain, hr, origin);
FieldLayout_t<Dim> FL(domain, decomp, isAllPeriodic);
PLayout_t<Dim> PL(FL, mesh);
PLayout_t<double, Dim> PL(FL, mesh);
// Q = -\int\int f dx dv
double Q = std::reduce(rmax.begin(), rmax.end(), -1., std::multiplies<double>());
@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
"Assign initial rho based on PDF", ippl::getRangePolicy<Dim>(rhoview, nghost),
KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const index_array_type& args) {
// local to global index conversion
Vector_t<Dim> xvec = args;
Vector_t<double, Dim> xvec = args;
for (unsigned d = 0; d < Dim; d++) {
xvec[d] = (xvec[d] + lDom[d].first() - nghost + 0.5) * hr[d] + origin[d];
@@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
typedef ippl::detail::RegionLayout<double, Dim, Mesh_t<Dim>> RegionLayout_t;
const RegionLayout_t& RLayout = PL.getRegionLayout();
const typename RegionLayout_t::host_mirror_type Regions = RLayout.gethLocalRegions();
Vector_t<Dim> Nr, Dr, minU, maxU;
Vector_t<double, Dim> Nr, Dr, minU, maxU;
int myRank = Ippl::Comm->rank();
for (unsigned d = 0; d < Dim; ++d) {
Nr[d] = CDF(Regions(myRank)[d].max(), delta, kw[d], d)
@@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<> rand_pool64((size_type)(42 + 100 * Ippl::Comm->rank()));
nloc, generate_random<Vector_t<Dim>, Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<>, Dim>(
nloc, generate_random<Vector_t<double, Dim>, Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<>, Dim>(
P->R.getView(), P->P.getView(), rand_pool64, delta, kw, sigma, muBulk, muBeam,
nlocBulk, minU, maxU));