Suggested improvements for Merlin5
Here the suggestions from a discussion with Dmitry Ozerov:
1- prepare a single slurm script containing an array of jobs
ex: sbatch -a 1-100
this will submit in one command 100 jobs to slurm. The trick to be nice with the other users:
sbatch -a 1-100%10
(or similar %25, %50)
2- nodes and tasks:
for ntasks < 16 than it would be more meaningful to ensure that the ntasks run on the same node. Now:
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --nodes=1
3- Loading modules in slurm script
module load gcc.....
so everything what is needed to load, setup to run the job (otherwise it's a dependence on what there is in .bashrc or environment (from which the job is submitted).