... | ... | @@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ For this project we need input files, that you obtain by clicking on links below |
| File | Description |
| ---- |-----|
| [cyclotron1.in](/Cyclotron/cyclotron1.in) and [cyclotron2.in](Cyclotron/cyclotron2.in) ([cyclotron1.in]( Cyclotron/1.6/cyclotron1.in) and [cyclotron2.in]( Cyclotron/1.6/cyclotron2.in) for 1.6.x) | the OPAL input files |
| [bfield.dat]( Cyclotron/bfield.dat) | magnetic field map |
| [rffield1.dat]( Cyclotron/rffield1.dat) and [rffield2.dat](Cyclotron/rffield2.dat) | rf field maps |
| [dist1.dat]( Cyclotron/dist1.dat) [dist2.dat]( Cyclotron/dist2.dat) | the input distributions |
| [ic.dat]( Cyclotron/ic.dat) | initial conditions for the tune calculation |
| [refsol.dat]( Cyclotron/refsol.dat) | the reference solution for the tune calculation |
| [cyclotron1.gpl]( Cyclotron/cyclotron1.gpl) and [cyclotron2.gpl]( Cyclotron/cyclotron2.gpl) ([cyclotron2.gpl]( Cyclotron/1.6/cyclotron2.gpl) for 1.6.x) | plotting scripts for gnuplot |
| [cyclotron1.in](/Examples/Cyclotron/cyclotron1.in) and [cyclotron2.in](Examples/Cyclotron/cyclotron2.in) ([cyclotron1.in]( Examples/Cyclotron/1.6/cyclotron1.in) and [cyclotron2.in]( Examples/Cyclotron/1.6/cyclotron2.in) for 1.6.x) | the OPAL input files |
| [bfield.dat]( Examples/Cyclotron/bfield.dat) | magnetic field map |
| [rffield1.dat]( Examples/Cyclotron/rffield1.dat) and [rffield2.dat](Examples/Cyclotron/rffield2.dat) | rf field maps |
| [dist1.dat]( Examples/Cyclotron/dist1.dat) [dist2.dat]( Examples/Cyclotron/dist2.dat) | the input distributions |
| [ic.dat]( Examples/Cyclotron/ic.dat) | initial conditions for the tune calculation |
| [refsol.dat]( Examples/Cyclotron/refsol.dat) | the reference solution for the tune calculation |
| [cyclotron1.gpl]( Examples/Cyclotron/cyclotron1.gpl) and [cyclotron2.gpl]( Examples/Cyclotron/cyclotron2.gpl) ([cyclotron2.gpl]( Examples/Cyclotron/1.6/cyclotron2.gpl) for 1.6.x) | plotting scripts for gnuplot |
# Tune Calculation using cyclotron1.in
### Needed files: cyclotron1.{in,bash,gpl}, bfield.dat, dist1.dat, ic.dat & refsol.dat
For the tune calculation we need initial conditions (ic): energy, radius and radial momenta given to us by an other program in the file ic.dat.
The Bash script [cyclotron1.bash](Cyclotron/cyclotron1.bash) will run the tune calculation for all energies specified in ic.dat and store the
The Bash script [cyclotron1.bash](Examples/Cyclotron/cyclotron1.bash) will run the tune calculation for all energies specified in ic.dat and store the
radial and vertical tune values together with reference data.
Make sure the script has execute permission (`chmod u+x cyclotron1.bash`).
A comparison can be plotted with [gnuplot](http://www.gnuplotting.org), by executing
... | ... | @@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ A comparison can be plotted with [gnuplot](http://www.gnuplotting.org), by execu |
The result is saved in cyclotron1.pdf and shown below.
### Tune Calculation with OPAL's closed orbit finder (only in OPAL 2.2 and higher)
### Needed files
| File | Description |
| ---- |-------|
| [cyclotronTune-2-1.in](Cyclotron/cyclotronTune-2-1.in) | OPAL input file |
| [bfield.dat]( Cyclotron/bfield.dat) | magnetic field map |
| [plotTunes.py]( Cyclotron/plotTunes.py) | python (version 3) plotting script for tune calculation |
| [cyclotronTune-2-1.in](Examples/Cyclotron/cyclotronTune-2-1.in) | OPAL input file |
| [bfield.dat]( Examples/Cyclotron/bfield.dat) | magnetic field map |
| [plotTunes.py]( Examples/Cyclotron/plotTunes.py) | python (version 3) plotting script for tune calculation |
Since version 2.2 OPAL has a closed orbit finder with tune calculation based on Gordon's algorithm.
... | ... | @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ and plot the result from the output file `data/tunes.dat` with |
The result is saved in `RingTunes.png` and shown below.
# Accelerated Orbit Calculation using cyclotron2.in
### Needed files: cyclotron2.{in,gpl}, bfield.dat, dist2.dat, rffield1.dat & rffield2.dat
... | ... | @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ where you also save the output in cyclotron2.out. It is always a good idea to ch |
As in the previous example, the result is saved in cyclotron2.pdf and shown below.
# 3D space charge calculation
... | ... | @@ -125,4 +125,4 @@ represents a beam with 3 mm rms. The field solver **Fs1** is the standard open d |
and the beam is represented by **1E5** macro particles
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