:doctype: article
== Introduction
Compiling _OPAL_ can be quite challenging due to all link:Compile-required-software[the required libraries]. Even if some libraries are available on the system, this
doesn't mean that they can be used for compiling _OPAL_ due to missing
> **NOTE**: In the code snippets below we use the environment variables `SRC_DIR` and `PREFIX`. Whereby `SRC_DIR` must be set to the directory _OPAL_ will be build in and `PREFIX` to the _OPAL_ installation directory.
== Get the OPAL sources
Clone the OPAL Git repository
mkdir -p "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL"
cd "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL"
git clone https://gitlab.psi.ch/OPAL/src.git
Select the OPAL branch you want to compile. The current stable branch is `OPAL-2022.1`:
cd "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL/src"
git checkout OPAL-2022.1
To checkout the (unstable) development branch run:
cd "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL/src"
git checkout master
To get a list of all available branches, you can run the command
git branch -a
from inside your clone.
== Configure OPAL
OPAL uses CMake to configure the build process. You can either pass options to `cmake` or you can run the command `ccmake` in the build directory **after** calling `cmake`.
mkdir -p "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL/build" && cd "$_"
CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx cmake \
--prefix="${PREFIX}" \
The following table shows the most important options:
| build type can be either `Debug`, `Release`, `RelWithDebInfo` or `MinSizeRel`
| prefix for installation
| enable the unit-tests
| requires google-test >= 1.10.0
| enable AMR solver
| requires AMReX (release 18.07)
| enable AMR multigrid solver
| requires trilinos >= 12.x and AMReX (release 18.07)
| compile BANDRF field conversion scripts
| enable full-wave solver
| requires MITHRA 2.0
| enable SAAMG solver
| requires trilinos >= 12.x
| enable PyOPAL
| requires Python 3.0+ and Boost with Python.
For compiling Trilinos please see the https://gitlab.psi.ch/OPAL/build-recipes/-/blob/master/220-build-trilinos?ref_type=heads[Trilinos build recipe].
== Compile and install OPAL
cd "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL/build"
make -j ${NJOBS}
make install
:doctype: article
== Introduction
Compiling _OPAL_ can be quite challenging due to all link:Compile-required-software[the required libraries]. Even if some libraries are available on the system, this
doesn't mean that they can be used for compiling _OPAL_ due to missing
> **NOTE**: In the code snippets below we use the environment variables `SRC_DIR` and `PREFIX`. Whereby `SRC_DIR` must be set to the directory _OPAL_ will be build in and `PREFIX` to the _OPAL_ installation directory.
== Get the OPAL sources
Clone the OPAL Git repository
mkdir -p "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL"
cd "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL"
git clone https://gitlab.psi.ch/OPAL/src.git
Select the OPAL branch you want to compile. The current stable branch is `OPAL-2024.1`:
cd "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL/src"
git checkout OPAL-2024.1
To checkout the (unstable) development branch run:
cd "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL/src"
git checkout master
To get a list of all available branches, you can run the command
git branch -a
from inside your clone.
== Configure OPAL
OPAL uses CMake to configure the build process. You can either pass options to `cmake` or you can run the command `ccmake` in the build directory **after** calling `cmake`.
mkdir -p "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL/build" && cd "$_"
CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx cmake \
--prefix="${PREFIX}" \
The following table shows the most important options:
| build type can be either `Debug`, `Release`, `RelWithDebInfo` or `MinSizeRel`
| prefix for installation
| enable the unit-tests
| requires google-test >= 1.10.0
| enable AMR solver
| requires AMReX (release 18.07)
| enable AMR multigrid solver
| requires trilinos >= 12.x and AMReX (release 18.07)
| compile BANDRF field conversion scripts
| enable full-wave solver
| requires MITHRA 2.0
| enable SAAMG solver
| requires trilinos >= 12.x
| enable PyOPAL
| requires Python 3.0+ and Boost with Python. You have to set `WILL_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY=on`.
For compiling Trilinos please see the https://gitlab.psi.ch/OPAL/build-recipes/-/blob/master/220-build-trilinos?ref_type=heads[Trilinos build recipe].
== Compile and install OPAL
cd "${SRC_DIR}/OPAL/build"
make -j ${NJOBS}
make install
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