Tasks for Opal Developer Retreat 2021 work list
Start adapting the Erice working list for the new retreat in Berlin (2019).
Start adapting the Berlin working list for the new retreat in SLAC (2020).
Start adapting the Slac working list for the new retreat in WWW (2021).
pyOPAL (#516 (closed), #624 (closed)) -
IPPL V 2.0 integration -
OPAL Paper -
Manual -
Finish #46 (closed) -
Finish #45 (and #357) -
Minimum number of particles for statistic (*.stat file) write -
Minimum number of particles for statistic H5 -
Unify usage of Quaternion -
Reference particle(s) class, for both flavours #287 -
Many unit conversions (m,T) (#690 (closed), #704 (closed)) -
Clean and collect existing examples in one location
Refactoring OPAL-cycl, remove duplicated/not used code (#124 (closed), #666 (closed), !462 (merged)) -
Double check multibunch tracking in OPAL-cycl -
Unify units OPAL-t / OPAL-cycl (#242 (closed)) , check also #80 ? -
Has special files do we want to keep them or add the information into the h5 file? -
Cleanup cyclotron units: -
internal x,y,z -
external use x,z,y later this can be set by a switch -
delete trackers
Timedependent E (B) a la Ring -
Fieldsolver sanity check
Make energy bins dynamic where the number of energy bins and the number of particles per bin can vary (#270) -
TestImplement adaptive time integration
SAAMG solver
Fix one issue with defining reference point in geometry for SAAMG solver -
Make SAAMG solver parallel again -
Use new TRILINOS packages (#507 (closed))
Testing framework
Regression tests, with/without GPU -
Unit tests (regression-tests#53 (closed)) -
Jenkins/Continous Integration etc
Distribution class
Split into code for the parser and implementation (#629) -
Use separate classes for the different types (#629) -
Rethinking / refactoring algorithms
Additional tasks
EnableRemove OPAL-Slice (!343 (merged)) -
Enable OPAL-Map (!42 (merged)) -
Merge beam stripping physics (forked) (!183 (merged)) -
Enable the work of Pedro and add documentation (https://gitlab.psi.ch/OPAL/Manual-2.1/merge_requests/20)
Edited by ext-calvo_p