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cafe / cpp
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterCAFE is an easy-to-use C++ Channel Access (CA) interface that shelters users from the complexities of programming with the native C CA library.
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guthru_d / master-thesis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
CyCafe, is a Cython-based API that provides EPICS connectivity to Python through the CAFE C++ library.
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The subset of boost header files required to build CAFE. "checkout" only if boost is not already installed on your system.
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nemu / musrsim
GNU General Public License v2.0 or latermusrSim is a simulation program based on Geant4, optimised for the muSR instruments. The simulation program for the muSR instruments is based on Geant4.
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optics / xgi
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Tool kit to operate r4s with the dtb. Attempt to merge the DESY and PSI versions of the programme.
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optics / WFI
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
mocha is a MATLAB Mex file that provides EPICS connectivity through the CAFE C++ library.