:stem: latexmath
Aim of `Opal` and History
`Opal` is a tool for charged-particle optics in accelerator structures
and beam lines. Using the `mad` language with extensions, `Opal` is
derived from `mad9p` and is based on the `classic` class library, which
was started in 1995 by an international collaboration. IPPL (Independent
Parallel Particle Layer) is the framework which provides parallel
particles and fields using data parallel approach. `Opal` is built from
the ground up as a parallel application exemplifying the fact that HPC
(High Performance Computing) is the third leg of science, complementing
theory and the experiment. HPC is made possible now through the
increasingly sophisticated mathematical models and evolving computer
power available on the desktop and in super computer centers. `Opal`
runs on your laptop as well as on the largest HPC clusters available
The `Opal` framework makes it easy to add new features in the form of
new `C++` classes.
`Opal` comes in the following flavors:
* `Opal-cycl`
* `Opal-t`
`Opal-cycl` tracks particles with 3D space charge including neighboring
turns in cyclotrons with time as the independent variable.
`Opal-t` is a super-set of `Impact-t` and can be used to model guns,
injectors, ERLs and complete XFELs excluding the undulator.
It should be noted that not all features of `Opal` are available in both
flavors. +
The following icon `DOpal-t` means that a feature is not yet available
in `Opal-t`. A similar icon is used for `Opal-cycl`.
Parallel Processing Capabilities
`Opal` is built to harness the power of parallel processing for an
improved quantitative understanding of particle accelerators. This goal
can only be achieved with detailed 3D modelling capabilities and a
sufficient number of simulation particles to obtain meaningful
statistics on various quantities of the particle ensemble such as
emittance, slice emittance, halo extension etc.
The following example is exemplifying this fact:
.Table Parameters Parallel Performance Example
|Distribution | Particles | Mesh | Greens Function | Time steps
|Gauss 3D | latexmath:[10^8] | latexmath:[1024^3] | Integrated | 10
Figure [walldrift] shows the parallel efficiency time as a function of
used cores for a test example with parameters given in Table [pex1]. The
data were obtained on a Cray XT5 at the Swiss Center for Scientific
image:figures/drift2c1.png[caption="Parallel efficiency and particles pushed per
as a function of cores",scaledwidth=75.0%]
Quality Management
Documentation and quality assurance are given our highest attention
since we are convinced that adequate documentation is a key factor in
the usefulness of a code like `Opal` to study present and future
particle accelerators. Using tools such as a source code version control
system (https://git-scm.com[git]), source code documentation using
Doxygen (found http://amas.web.psi.ch/docs/opal/html/[here]) and the
extensive user manual you are now enjoying, we are committed to
providing users as well as co-developers with state-of-the-art
documentation to `Opal`.
One example of an non trivial test-example is the PSI DC GUN. In
Figure <<guncomp1>> the comparison between `Impact-t` and `Opal-t` is
shown. This example is part of the regression test suite that is run
every night. The input file is found in Section <<examplesbeamlines>>.
Misprints and obscurity are almost inevitable in a document of this
size. Comments and _active contributions_ from readers are therefore
most welcome. They may be sent to `andreas.adelmann@psi.ch`.
.Comparison of energy and emittance in latexmath:[x] between `Impact-t` and `Opal-t`
The phase space is stored in the H5hut file-format and can be analyzed
using e.g. H5root . The frequency of the data output (phase space and
some statistical quantities) can be controlled using the `OPTION`
statement see Section <<option>>, with the flag `PSDUMPFREQ`. The file is
named like in input file but with the extension .h5.
A SDDS compatible ASCII file with statistical beam parameters is written
to a file with extension .stat. The frequency with which this data is
written can be controlled with the `OPTION` statement
see Section <<option>> with the flag `STATDUMPFREQ`.
.H5root enables a variety of data analysis and post processing task on `Opal` data
Change History
See Appendix [changelog] for a detailed list of changes in `Opal`.
Known Issues and Limitations
* Restart with the option `PSDUMPLOCALFRAME` does not work yet,
* In complicated geometries such as spiral inflectors, proper particle
deletion at the boundary sometimes fails.
The contributions of various individuals and groups are acknowledged in
the relevant chapters, however a few individuals have or had
considerable influence on the development of `Opal`, namely Chris
Iselin, John Jowett, Julian Cummings, Ji Qiang, Robert Ryne and Stefan
Adam. For the `H5root` visualization tool credits go to Thomas
The following individuals are acknowledged for past contributions:
Yuanjie Bi, Jianjun Yang, Colwyn Gulliford, Hao Zha, Christopher Mayes
and Tulin Kaman.
Please cite `Opal` in the following way:
title = {The OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library) Framework},
author = {Andreas Adelmann, Christian Baumgarten, Matthias Frey, Achim Gsell, Valeria Rizzoglio,
Jochem Snuverink (PSI) and Christof Metzger-Kraus and Yves Ineichen and
Steve Russell (LANL) and Chuan Wang (CIAE) and
Suzanne Sheehy and Chris Rogers (RAL) and
Daniel Winklehner (MIT)},
institution = {Paul Scherrer Institut},
number = {PSI-PR-08-02},
year = {(2008-2017)}
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