Update toolchain to current versions
Update tool-chain to build OPAL:
Group | Module | Linux | Darwin |
Tools | openssl/1.0.2h | x | x |
Programming | cmake/3.6.3 | x | x |
Programming | cuda/8.0.44 | x | |
Programming | Tcl/8.6.4 | x | x |
Programming | Tk/8.6.4 | x | x |
Programming | Python/2.7.12 | x | x |
Programming | gcc/5.4.0 | x | x |
Compiler | boost/1.62 | x | x |
Compiler | gsl/2.2.1 | x | x |
Compiler | hdf5_serial/1.8.18 | x | x |
Compiler | OpenBLAS/0.2.19 | x | x |
Compiler | openmpi/1.10.4 | x | x |
Compiler | root/6.08.02 | x | x |
HDF5_serial | H5hut/2.0.0rc3 | x | x |
MPI | dks/1.0.1 | x | |
MPI | hdf5/1.8.18 | x | x |
MPI | parmetis/4.0.3 | x | x |
MPI | trilinos/12.10.1 | x | x |
HDF5 | H5hut/2.0.0rc3 | x | x |
For the time being DKS is not supported on Mac OS X