ParallelCyclotronTracker crashes (in single particle?) mode when all particles are lost
I noticed that in single particle mode (might not be related) that if all particles (in this case on a stripper) are lost OPAL crashes:
OPAL> At step 25071, lost 1 particles on stripper, collimator, septum, or out of cyclotron aperture
Error> *** User error detected by function "boundp() "
Error> h<0, can not build a mesh
Error> h<0, can not build a mesh
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode -100.
In ParallelCyclotronTracker::deleteParticle() there needs to be a check after the particles are removed if there are any particles left and early return before the boundp() call.