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......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ ClosedOrbitFinder<Value_type,
// read in magnetic fieldmap, scaleFactor);
// compute closed orbit
converged_m = findOrbit(accuracy, maxit);
......@@ -408,6 +408,8 @@ inline typename ClosedOrbitFinder<Value_type, Size_type, Stepper>::container_typ
* The momentum in \beta * \gamma is obtained by dividing by "a"
value_type factor = 1.0 / acon_m(wo_m);
std::for_each(pr.begin(), pr.end(), [factor](value_type p) { return p * factor; });
return pr;
......@@ -463,8 +465,8 @@ bool ClosedOrbitFinder<Value_type, Size_type, Stepper>::findOrbit(value_type acc
// store acon and bcon locally
value_type acon = acon_m(wo_m); // [acon] = m
value_type invbcon = 1.0 / bcon_m(E0_m, wo_m); // [bcon] = MeV*s/(C*m^2) = 10^6 T = 10^7 kG (kilo Gauss)
value_type acon = acon_m(wo_m); // [acon] = m
value_type invbcon = 1.0 / bcon_m(E0_m, wo_m); // [bcon] = MeV*s/(C*m^2) = 10^6 T = 10^7 kG (kilo Gauss)
// helper constants
value_type p2; // p^2 = p*p
......@@ -481,7 +483,7 @@ bool ClosedOrbitFinder<Value_type, Size_type, Stepper>::findOrbit(value_type acc
r_m[idx] = y[0];
pr_m[idx] = y[1];
// count number of crossings (excluding starting point --> idx>0)
// count number of crossings (excluding starting point --> idx>0)
nxcross_m += (idx > 0) * (y[4] * xold < 0);
xold = y[4];
......@@ -493,6 +495,7 @@ bool ClosedOrbitFinder<Value_type, Size_type, Stepper>::findOrbit(value_type acc
const double theta)
pr2 = y[1] * y[1];
if (p2 < pr2)
throw OpalException("ClosedOrbitFinder::findOrbit()", "p_{r}^2 > p^{2} (defined in Gordon paper) --> Square root of negative number.");
......@@ -510,7 +513,7 @@ bool ClosedOrbitFinder<Value_type, Size_type, Stepper>::findOrbit(value_type acc
dydt[0] = y[0] * y[1] * invptheta;
// Gordon, formula (5b)
dydt[1] = ptheta - y[0] * bint;
// Gordon, formulas (9a) and (9b)
// Gordon, formulas (9a) and (9b)
for (size_type i = 2; i < 5; i += 2) {
dydt[i] = (y[1] * y[i] + y[0] * p2 * y[i+1] * invptheta * invptheta) * invptheta;
dydt[i+1] = - y[1] * y[i+1] * invptheta - (bint + y[0] * brint) * y[i];
......@@ -1306,9 +1306,12 @@ void Distribution::createMatchedGaussDistribution(size_t numberOfParticles, doub
"'CYCLOTRON' definition.");
int Nint = 1000;
int Nint = 1440;
double scaleFactor = 1.0;
bool writeMap = true;
double gamma = E_m / massIneV + 1.0;
double beta = std::sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / (gamma * gamma));
typedef SigmaGenerator<double, unsigned int> sGenerator_t;
sGenerator_t *siggen = new sGenerator_t(I_m,
......@@ -1334,7 +1337,7 @@ void Distribution::createMatchedGaussDistribution(size_t numberOfParticles, doub
false)) {
false, false)) {
std::array<double,3> Emit = siggen->getEmittances();
......@@ -1359,37 +1362,35 @@ void Distribution::createMatchedGaussDistribution(size_t numberOfParticles, doub
Units of the Sigma Matrix:
spatial: mm
moment: rad
moment: mrad
if (Options::cloTuneOnly)
throw OpalException("Do only CLO and tune calculation","... ");
auto sigma = siggen->getSigma();
// change units from mm to m
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 6; ++ j) {
sigma(2 * i, j) *= 1e-3;
sigma(j, 2 * i) *= 1e-3;
// convertion from mm mrad to m rad
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++ i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 6; ++ j) sigma(i, j) *= 1e-6;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
if ( sigma(2 * i, 2 * i) < 0 || sigma(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 1) < 0 )
throw OpalException("Distribution::CreateMatchedGaussDistribution()",
"Negative value on the diagonal of the sigma matrix.");
sigmaR_m[i] = std::sqrt(sigma(2 * i, 2 * i));
sigmaP_m[i] = std::sqrt(sigma(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 1));
if (inputMoUnits_m == InputMomentumUnitsT::EV) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
sigmaP_m[i] = converteVToBetaGamma(sigmaP_m[i], massIneV);
"Negative value on the diagonal of the sigma matrix.");
sigmaR_m[0] = std::sqrt(sigma(0, 0));
sigmaP_m[0] = std::sqrt(sigma(1, 1))*beta*gamma;
sigmaR_m[2] = std::sqrt(sigma(2, 2));
sigmaP_m[2] = std::sqrt(sigma(3, 3))*beta*gamma;
sigmaR_m[1] = std::sqrt(sigma(4, 4));
// delta = |p - p_0|/|p_0| = |p - p_0|/beta*gamma --> l'^2 = (delta*beta*gamma)^2 - (x'^2 + z'^2)
//double lprime2 = sigma(5, 5)*(beta*beta*gamma*gamma) - sigmaP_m[0]*sigmaP_m[0] - sigmaP_m[2]*sigmaP_m[2];
//sigmaP_m[1] = std::sqrt(std::abs(lprime2));
double pl2 = (std::sqrt(sigma(5,5)) + 1)*(std::sqrt(sigma(5,5)) + 1)*beta*gamma*beta*gamma - sigmaP_m[0]*sigmaP_m[0] - sigmaP_m[2]*sigmaP_m[2];
double pl = std::sqrt(pl2);
sigmaP_m[1] = gamma*(pl - beta*gamma);
correlationMatrix_m(1, 0) = sigma(0, 1) / (sqrt(sigma(0, 0) * sigma(1, 1)));
correlationMatrix_m(3, 2) = sigma(2, 3) / (sqrt(sigma(2, 2) * sigma(3, 3)));
......@@ -2475,8 +2476,35 @@ void Distribution::generateGaussZ(size_t numberOfParticles) {
//Sets the GSL error handler off, exception will be handled internaly with a renormalization method
int errcode = gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp(corMat);
double rn = 1e-12;
while (errcode == GSL_EDOM) {
// Resets the correlation matrix
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++ i) {
gsl_matrix_set(corMat, i, i, correlationMatrix_m(i, i));
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; ++ j) {
gsl_matrix_set(corMat, i, j, correlationMatrix_m(i, j));
gsl_matrix_set(corMat, j, i, correlationMatrix_m(i, j));
// Applying a renormalization method corMat = corMat + rn*Unitymatrix
// This is the renormalization
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
double corMati = gsl_matrix_get(corMat, i , i);
gsl_matrix_set(corMat, i, i, corMati + rn);
//Just to be sure that the renormalization worked
errcode = gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp(corMat);
if(errcode != GSL_EDOM) *gmsg << "* WARNING: Correlation matrix had to be renormalized"<<endl;
else rn *= 10;
//Sets again the standard GSL error handler on
//Just to be sure
if (errcode == GSL_EDOM) {
throw OpalException("Distribution::GenerateGaussZ",
"gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp failed");
......@@ -3464,11 +3492,11 @@ void Distribution::setAttributes() {
// itsAttr[Attrib::Distribution::E2]
// = Attributes::makeReal("E2", "If E2<Eb, we compute the tunes from the beams energy Eb to E2 with dE=0.25 MeV ", 0.0);
= Attributes::makeReal("RESIDUUM", "Residuum for the closed orbit finder and sigma matrix generator ", 1e-8);
= Attributes::makeReal("RESIDUUM", "Residuum for the closed orbit finder and sigma matrix generator ", 1e-9);
= Attributes::makeReal("MAXSTEPSCO", "Maximum steps used to find closed orbit ", 100);
= Attributes::makeReal("MAXSTEPSSI", "Maximum steps used to find matched distribution ",2000);
= Attributes::makeReal("MAXSTEPSSI", "Maximum steps used to find matched distribution ",1000);
= Attributes::makeReal("ORDERMAPS", "Order used in the field expansion ", 7);
......@@ -4735,4 +4763,4 @@ void Distribution::adjustPhaseSpace(double massIneV) {
// mode:c++
// c-basic-offset: 4
// indent-tabs-mode:nil
// End:
\ No newline at end of file
// End:
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......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ MapGenerator<Value_type,
for (size_type i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
for (size_type j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
map(i,j) = matrix[i][j];
map(i,j) = matrix[i][j];
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This diff is collapsed.