Code indexing in gitaly is broken and leads to code not being visible to the user. We work on the issue with highest priority.

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version 1.0.0-rc.29

leonarski_f requested to merge 2412-warning-lost-frames into main
  • jfjoch_broker: refactor logic regarding frame time and count time for more flexibility for EIGER and JUNGFRAU
  • jfjoch_broker: readout time for EIGER is 3 us and JUNGFRAU is 20 us, this can be changed in input file
  • jfjoch_broker: OpenAPI interface includes more ways to provide information on the status (error/warning/info)
  • jfjoch_broker: ROIs handling via OpenAPI and frontend is more user friendly

Warning - two breaking changes to OpenAPI:

  • Handling of ROIs is through /config/roi path only for both circle and box ROIs, path in /roi are no longer accessible
  • broker_status structure introduced in 1.0.0-rc.28 has member message and not error_message to allow handling info/warning messages as well

Merge request reports
