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Commit 9a653397 authored by ulrich_y's avatar ulrich_y
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Load all relevant Arbuzov papers

parent 5ac37575
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import requests
import zlib
import sympy as sp
import sympy.parsing.latex
import scipy.special
import numpy as np
import StringIO
import tarfile
import pymule.maths
def dilog(z):
return pymule.maths.Li2(z)
def trilog(z):
return pymule.maths.Li3(z)
import sys
import json
import re
import bz2
import sympy as sp
import sympy.parsing.latex
import scipy.special
Printer = sys.modules['sympy.printing.pycode'].NumPyPrinter
except ImportError:
dilog = pymule.maths.Li2
trilog = pymule.maths.Li3
def Sot(z):
......@@ -24,12 +27,17 @@ def Sot(z):
def Phi(z):
return dilog(-(1-z)/z) + np.log((1-z)/z)**2-np.pi**2/6.
def Psi(x):
return (
3*trilog(1-x) - 2*Sot(1-x) + np.log(1-x)**3 - np.log(x)**3/6.
+ 3*np.log(x)**2*np.log(1-x)/2. - 3*np.log(x)*np.log(1-x)**2
- 3*dilog(1-x)*np.log(1-x) + 2*pymule.maths.zeta3
- 2*pymule.maths.zeta2 * np.log((1-x) / x)
def phi(z):
return dilog(-(1-z)/z) + sp.log((1-z)/z) - pi**2/6
def Phi(z):
return dilog(-(1-z)/z) + np.log((1-z)/z)**2-np.pi**2/6.
def parse(lines, s):
......@@ -41,6 +49,8 @@ def parse(lines, s):
.replace("\\nonumber", "")
.replace("\\biggr", "")
.replace("\\biggl", "")
.replace("\\bigl", "")
.replace("\\bigr", "")
.replace("\\left", "")
.replace("\\right", "")
.replace("\\\\", "")
......@@ -54,6 +64,8 @@ def parse(lines, s):
.replace('\\Li_3', "\\trilog")
.replace('\\zeta_2', "\\zeta(2)")
.replace('\\zeta_3', "\\zeta(3)")
.replace('\\Li{2}{1-x}', "\\dilog(1-x)")
.replace('\\Li{3}{1-x}', "\\trilog(1-x)")
......@@ -67,63 +79,169 @@ def parse(lines, s):
x, xe, beta, z = sp.var('x xe beta z')
r = requests.get('')
tex = zlib.decompress(r.content, 16+zlib.MAX_WBITS)
flo = 3-2*xe+xe/4*(3*xe-4)*(1-beta**2)
glo = (1-2*xe)*beta+3*xe**2/4*(1-beta**2)*beta
def load0110047():
This loads hep-ph/0110047, i.e. the NLO paper
r = requests.get('')
tex = zlib.decompress(r.content, 16+zlib.MAX_WBITS)
flo = 3-2*xe+xe/4*(3*xe-4)*(1-beta**2)
glo = (1-2*xe)*beta+3*xe**2/4*(1-beta**2)*beta
fnlo = parse(tex.splitlines()[231:262], 9)
Adef = parse(tex.splitlines()[265:276], 3)
gnlo = parse(tex.splitlines()[279:326], 9)
fnlo = parse(tex.splitlines()[231:262], 9)
Adef = parse(tex.splitlines()[265:276], 3)
gnlo = parse(tex.splitlines()[279:326], 9)
subs = {
'f': flo, 'g': glo, 'A': Adef,
'beta': sp.sqrt(1 - 4*z**2/xe**2),
'L': -2*sp.log(z), 'qq': (1-xe)+z**2
fnlo = fnlo.subs(subs).subs(subs)
gnlo = gnlo.subs(subs).subs(subs)
return fnlo, gnlo
def load0202102():
This loads hep-ph/0202102, i.e. the LL paper
def dosub(ex):
return ex.subs('z', 'xe/(1+m**2/M**2)').subs('m', 'z*M')
r = requests.get('')
fp = StringIO.StringIO(r.content)
tar =
tex = tar.extractfile('mu_lla_2.tex').read()
f1LL = dosub(parse(tex.replace("1-z\\over z", "(1-z)/z")
.splitlines()[291:293], 1))
g1LL = dosub(parse(tex.replace("1-z\\over z", "(1-z)/z")
.splitlines()[295:297], 1))
fLL = dosub(parse(tex.splitlines()[322:327], 1))
gLL = dosub(parse(tex.splitlines()[330:335], 1))
fLLns = f1LL*2/3
gLLns = g1LL*2/3
fLLs = dosub(parse(tex.splitlines()[391:394], 1))
gLLs = dosub(parse(tex.splitlines()[396:399], 1))
return (fLL, gLL), (fLLns, gLLns), (fLLs, gLLs)
def load0205172():
This loads hep-ph/0205172, i.e. the NLL paper for f. It also
returns the LL of f
r = requests.get('')
fp = StringIO.StringIO(r.content)
tar =
tex = tar.extractfile('mu_ff_k4.tex').read()
fLL = parse(tex.splitlines()[542:550], 21)
fNLL = parse(tex.replace("\\ln^2x \\biggl(", "\\ln(x)^2 * (")
.replace('\\ln x \n\\biggl(', '\\ln(x)*\n(')
.splitlines()[557:577], 0)
fLLns = parse(tex.splitlines()[598:600], 20)
fNLLns = parse(tex.replace('\\ln x \\biggl(', '\\ln (x)* \\biggl(')
.splitlines()[602:610], 0)
fLLs = parse(tex.splitlines()[625:628], 0)
fNLLs = parse(tex.replace("\\ln x\\biggl(", "\\ln(x)\\biggl(")
.replace("\\ln^2x \\biggr(", "\\ln(x)^2* \\biggr(")
.splitlines()[630:641], 0)
fNLLint = parse(tex.replace("\\ln^2x \\biggl(", "\\ln(x)^2 * (")
.replace('\\ln x \\biggl(', '\\ln(x)*(')
.splitlines()[655:662], 0)
return (fLL, fNLL), (fLLns, fNLLns), (fLLs, fNLLs), fNLLint
def load0206036():
This loads hep-ph/0206036. This means it returns gNLL as well as the
N3LO-LL results for f and g
r = requests.get('')
fp = StringIO.StringIO(r.content)
tar =
tex = tar.extractfile('mu_jhep.tex').read()
gNLL = parse(tex.splitlines()[678:697], 21)
gNLLns = parse(tex.splitlines()[699:707], 0)
gNLLs = parse(tex.splitlines()[709:720], 0)
gNLLint = parse(tex.splitlines()[722:729], 0)
f3LL = parse(tex.splitlines()[746:759], 23)
g3LL = parse(tex.splitlines()[760:773], 23)
f3LLns = parse(tex.splitlines()[783:790], 18)
g3LLns = parse(tex.splitlines()[792:797], 0)
f3LLs = parse(tex.splitlines()[798:808], 18)
g3LLs = parse(tex.splitlines()[809:820], 18)
return (gNLL, gNLLns, gNLLs, gNLLint), (f3LL, g3LL), \
(f3LLns, g3LLns), (f3LLs, g3LLs)
def tostr(args, expr):
printer = Printer()
block = printer.doprint(expr).splitlines()[-1]
block = re.sub("([^\*]\d+)", r"\1.", block)
block = block.replace("numpy", "np")
return "lambda %s: (%s)" % (
",".join(args), block
subs = {
'f': flo, 'g': glo, 'A': Adef,
'beta': sp.sqrt(1 - 4*z**2/xe**2),
'L': -2*sp.log(z), 'qq': (1-xe)+z**2
fnlo = fnlo.subs(subs).subs(subs)
gnlo = gnlo.subs(subs).subs(subs)
def loadall():
fnlo, gnlo = load0110047()
(fLL, gLL), (fLLns, gLLns), (fLLs, gLLs) = load0202102()
(fLLb, fNLL), (fLLnsb, fNLLns), (fLLsb, fNLLs), fNLLint = load0205172()
(gNLL, gNLLns, gNLLs, gNLLint), (f3LL, g3LL), (f3LLns, g3LLns), (f3LLs, g3LLs) = load0206036() # nopep8
f1 = sp.lambdify((xe, z), fnlo, modules=['numpy', {'dilog': dilog}])
g1 = sp.lambdify((xe, z), gnlo, modules=['numpy', {'dilog': dilog}])
b = {
"fnlo": tostr(("xe", "z"), fnlo),
"gnlo": tostr(("xe", "z"), gnlo),
"f2LL": tostr(("xe"), fLL.subs(z, 0)),
"f2LLns": tostr(("xe"), fLLns.subs(z, 0)),
"f2LLs": tostr(("xe"), fLLs.subs(z, 0)),
r = requests.get('')
fp = StringIO.StringIO(r.content)
tar =
tex = tar.extractfile('mu_lla_2.tex').read()
"g2LL": tostr(("xe"), gLL.subs(z, 0)),
"g2LLns": tostr(("xe"), gLLns.subs(z, 0)),
"g2LLs": tostr(("xe"), gLLs.subs(z, 0)),
fLL = parse(tex.splitlines()[322:327], 1)\
.subs('z', 'xe/(1+m**2/M**2)').subs('m', 'z*M')
gLL = parse(tex.splitlines()[330:335], 1)\
.subs('z', 'xe/(1+m**2/M**2)').subs('m', 'z*M')
"f2NLL": tostr(("xe"), fNLL),
"f2NLLns": tostr(("xe"), fNLLns),
"f2NLLs": tostr(("xe"), fNLLs),
"f2NLLint": tostr(("xe"), fNLLint),
f2LL = sp.lambdify((xe, z), fLL, modules=['numpy', {'Phi': Phi}])
g2LL = sp.lambdify((xe, z), gLL, modules=['numpy', {'Phi': Phi}])
"g2NLL": tostr(("xe"), gNLL),
"g2NLLns": tostr(("xe"), gNLLns),
"g2NLLs": tostr(("xe"), gNLLs),
"g2NLLint": tostr(("xe"), gNLLint),
"f3LL": tostr(("xe"), f3LL),
"f3LLns": tostr(("xe"), f3LLns),
"f3LLs": tostr(("xe"), f3LLs),
r = requests.get('')
fp = StringIO.StringIO(r.content)
tar =
tex = tar.extractfile('mu_ff_k4.tex').read()
"g3LL": tostr(("xe"), g3LL),
"g3LLns": tostr(("xe"), g3LLns),
"g3LLs": tostr(("xe"), g3LLs)
fLL2 = parse(tex.splitlines()[542:550], 21)
fNLL = parse(tex.replace("\\ln^2x \\biggl(", "\\ln(x)^2 * (")
.replace('\\ln x \n\\biggl(', '\\ln(x)*\n(')
.splitlines()[557:577], 0)
with bz2.BZ2File('arbuzov.json.bz2', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(b, fp)
fLLns = parse(tex.splitlines()[598:600], 20)
fNLLns = parse(tex.replace('\\ln x \\biggl(', '\\ln (x)* \\biggl(')
.splitlines()[602:610], 0)
fLLs = parse(tex.splitlines()[625:628], 0)
fNLLs = parse(tex.replace("\\ln x\\biggl(", "\\ln(x)\\biggl(")
.replace("\\ln^2x \\biggr(", "\\ln(x)^2* \\biggr(")
.splitlines()[630:641], 0)
fNLLint = parse(tex.replace("\\ln^2x \\biggl(", "\\ln(x)^2 * (")
.replace('\\ln x \\biggl(', '\\ln(x)*(')
.splitlines()[655:662], 0)
# print "{" + ",\n".join(
# str(i) for i in [fLL2, fNLL, fLLns, fNLLns, fLLs, fNLLs, fNLLint]
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