For some precision work it is important to have accurate readout of particle positions at a particular plane. In the presence of fields, PROBE function interpolation is not accurate enough.
As registered in Issue #22 (closed) it would be useful to have a probe that can be perpendicular to a reference trajectory (for e.g. calculating dispersions/etc).
To meet these requirements I have implemented a new PluginElement called OutputPlane. Features:
- detects hits using a RK4 stepping routine, iteratively finding correct step size to find the intersection of tracks with the plane and registering a hit at the exact point
- position can be specified in 2D using PROBE-style placement or 3D with a centre and normal vector
- position can be specified to update to be aligned with the position/momentum vector when a particle with user-defined ID crosses the plane.
- rectangular or circular apertures can be specified (maximum distance from PROBE centre to register hits)